Location: Consider an ideal location that best suits your home convenience, its proximity to vital establishments when you need something or may be you need a place to live in serenity amidst the busy city life or far from the busy city like a vacation house or far from dangers of manmade and natural calamities (like floods) in order to prevent damage to your property. Safety of your property is also important when you invest in a house and lot.

Accessibility: Transportation is very vital and living in a place where it is very accessible to any type of transportation is very important. Also, accessible to your work place when you are employed or have business, schools for your children, hospitals in times of illness and emergency, malls when you want to shop, recreation centers when you want to relax, vital business establishments and offices where you transact important papers.

House Type and Size: In choosing a house unit, consider the size of your family and the type you want. Generally, a bigger family needs a bigger house unit. Choose one that fits you family size or if planning for a big family or want a spacious house, choose a house and lot that offers room for expansion.

House Budget: Choose a house unit that suits your budget in order not to incur problems in paying for it especially if you acquire it through a housing loan. Choose one that is within your paying capacity so that interest for delayed payments will be minimized. If you are renting a house, may be it is time for you to get a house of your own. There are available house and lot units to choose from based on your budget.

Check theamenities and safety measures present in the subdivision where you want to buy your house.

Legal: Make sure that the house and lot unit you buy has a clean title so that the money you invest will not be wasted. Always deal with a legitimate sales associate or agent of the developer of the subdivision where you want to buy a house and lot unit.

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